Dear all,
My old iPod just died, and while mourning for my lost music (I still haven't learned the lesson - BACKUP!), anyway, I bought a new 32 Gb iPod Touch and I'm wracking my brain about what to engrave. Any suggestions?
I'm thinking about the following:
1. "You are the music while the music lasts." -- T. S. Eliot
2. “With our love, we could save the world.” -- George Harrison
3. "Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats." - Voltaire
Frankly, I've considered some Latin, but it just seems too much like Ivy League mottos.
I also thought about Kierkegaard's “Livet skal forstÃ¥s baglaens, men leves forlaens", but then risking being taken as a total nerd...
So I'm asking for
Any idea (no vulgar please) would be greatly appreciated.