Wednesday, February 9, 2005

A new blog to add to the list.

I ran across this last night. Having no life at the moment (it IS winter, you know), I read it for ages. I normally have no attention span to read diary-esque blogs, but this one is hilarious. (Like a sitcom. Except funny.) The one liners scattered throughout are killer:

"He's cute in that 'Can I check your oil?' kind of way"

"Sometimes you love people for no reason at all, like Whoppi Goldberg."

I wrote a song for you. It's called "I Want To Rock Your Body." In parentheses "All Night Long."

"It hurt like 8 bitches in a bitch boat"

"I'm known to growl every now and then. The ladies love the growl."

petullant :: February 2005