MSNBC just came up with this Beatles Top 5 Best Album chart:
1. "Revolver" (1966)It even has THE DUD: "Yellow Submarine" (1969)
2. "Abbey Road" (1969)
3. "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" (1967)
4. "Rubber Soul" (1965)
5. "A Hard Day's Night" (1964)
This just doesn't make any sense to me. First, if you are a Beatles fan, you probably had your own Beatles chart already - it may change order from time to time, but an MSNBC chart most certainly wouldn't influence your favor in anyway. Second, if you just start listening to the Beatles, you probably would start with Beatles One, with most of best-known songs in one CD. When you start building your Beatles collection, it doesn't really matter which one you would buy first, since ultimately you'll buy ALL of them!
I don't know why MSNBC bother to top the Bealtes....