Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Thursday, June 24, 2004

You can't help but smile...

...looking at this "low-tech" site, made with pens.

I particularly like the section "new ways to make love." The description of simulated crasing in "how to make your own biro-web" is pretty ace, too.


Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Truly weird.

How to turn a text message into graffiti.

Bikes Against Bush: I Love New York
Because this really is the biggest problem we have.

Thank heavens we've got this whole thing under control.

Subsequently, Howard Stern announced today that he's going to an all-music format. No, I'm not kidding.

Our priorities are seriously skewed.

FMQB: Senate Approves Indecency Fines Hike

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Two new Smoking Gun TV specials

I was a bit disappointed with the first Smoking Gun TV special, but I figure now they've probably worked out the print-to-tv bugs and will be a bit less self-conscious. I'll be watching...

The Smoking Gun: Smoking Gun TV
Nice sponsored links, dude.

Inappropriate matching with Google ads
From the Pantblog.

Jonerthun Gunderpants has outdone himself. I thought the zen, "Meek pants have no malice." posting from 6/14 was inspired, but he's wading in T.S. Eliot waters now... brill.

Ode to pants

Oh pants, you have served me well for so many years

From the day I brought you home wrapped in tissue paper

To the day the knees wore out and you became short pants

And transitioned yet again to work short pants

Helping my with my everyday chores, always at my side (front, back and the other side)

You have had so many lives, you are like a cat

We have been through so much you and I

Thank you for your dedication to my cause: to wear pants every day


Tuesday, June 8, 2004

The ultimate geek accessory.

Laptop bags with front flaps made from pieces of the 1990 Soyuz TM-8 Space mission landing parachute. (via

Soyuz TM-8 Space Mission Series - Online Catalog

Friday, June 4, 2004

Possibly the worst target marketing I've ever received.

from my email today:

"Subject: congrats Bbutch, your mail order bride is ready!"


Using a train's motion to create animated commercials...

Wednesday, June 2, 2004

Truly lives up to the name.

There are more than enough bad album covers on the internet -- it's almost cliche now. But these are really, delightfully terrible.

Pork Tornado | 10 worst album covers of all time

Tuesday, June 1, 2004