Monday, February 28, 2005

Fun found photos.

I'm just ... disgusted.

Such an incredibly long write-up about such a sad design. Shame on Apple. And shame on the Academy.(tip from swissmiss)

Apple Pro/Design :: Brett Davidson, Oscar Poster Designer
More Craig's List.


Craig's List :: I'm ugly. You're fat. Let's get married.
Okay. Forget the Oscars.

I want to go to the Razzies award ceremony now.

The president not only was named worst male actor in a leading role, he also won for being half of the year's worst screen couple when paired with either Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice or "My Pet Goat," the book he was reading to schoolchildren on the morning of Sept. 11.

And, I can't believe I'm saying this, but props to Halle Berry for being a normal human being with a sense of humor. :: George Bush, Halle Berry share worst film honors
This is what Craig's List is all about.

If you want to find a "real" A-Team, post on Craig's List. You're bound to get a response. So funny it held my interest across multiple screens. That's saying a lot. (via Czeltic Girl and multiple other sources...)

"Finding The A-team :: A Stuffo Experiment"
I hate to say it

...but the Oscars were a bit of a yawn last night. I'm a huge Oscar geek, so this is very, very sad. Maybe it's because I hadn't seen most of the nominated films, but that's never stopped me from enjoying the Oscars before. Hmm. Dunno. Something was seriously lacking in the way of Hollywood drama and glamour.

My only comment is that Kate Winslet had the best dress. Hands down. While everyone else seemed to have jumped on a strapless bandwagon (with WIDELY varying degrees of success), Ms. Kate wore a dress that had style and actually made her look really, really lovely. Old school Oscar glamour. I like it.

Oh, and my mom is right. The male actors really need to start washing their hair more often. Or lay off the hair product. Yikes.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Radiohead and Marvin Gaye?

Damn. Who'd have thought it would sound good? (via

marino500 :: Thom Yorke vs. Marvin Gaye
This is SUCH a good idea.

Put a sticker on your stuff (your camera, your phone, etc.), register it on their site and, if a nice person finds your stuff, they can return it to you via StuffBak. (via

StuffBak - Protect Your Mobile Assets
When muffins go bad.

Dunno why, but this made me laugh. I guess I just never think of muffins as angry sorts, though they have every right to be.

Threadless T-Shirts :: Ah Munna Eat Choo
New "toothpaste for dinner" desktop pix.

This one's my favorite.
toothpaste for dinner :: preposition

You can check out the others here (be sure to scroll down):
toothpaste for dinner miscellany
Ah, B3ta.

They never fail me in my quest for silly entertainment. This week they have two jingly-jangly short films that'll put a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

Mort's Picture Archive :: I'd give it all (animation)

Albino Black Sheep - Samb :: She Blocked Me (animation)

And, of course, themselves. (Not for those easily offended by rude language. The b3ta folks are irrepressibly juvenile. It comes with the package.)

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The new PodBrix are here.

I just got an email saying that the new PodBrix figure, "Keynote," goes on sale at midnight tonight. I wonder if there will be any left by the time I wake up tomorrow morning. At 17 bucks each, they're gonna go fast...

PodBrix :: 1000 brix in your pocket

Update 2/25: They sold out in 36 minutes. Thought so.
I think I'm developing a fetish

...for light bulbs with wings now. (This is the second type of wingy lamp I've blogged this week!) But they're so lovely...

Illico cui-cui lamp by K6 design

It's like a Sesame Street horror movie.

7-foot-tall 'B' crash-lands on Downtown sidewalk
I may have to get one of these.

Veer Merchandise:: Typography hoodie
I was wrong.

After Mustache Mondays didn't happen last year, I assumed this idea would fall by the wayside as well. Especially since the idea was born over an open bar at our holiday party.

However -- apparently Mustache March is a-go. Our HD guys will be sportin' crumb-catchers for charity. Lord help us all by the end of March. Our workplace is going to look like a bad 70s/early 80s TV reunion.

Mustache March :: Just grow it.
Possibly the perfect BB combo

...homely robot toys! (via design*sponge)

Stuffed Robot
Tennis Court of Terror.

Actually, it's just the world's highest tennis court. Six of one, half dozen of the other, I say. Yikes.

World's Top Tennis Stars Practice at Burj Al Arab, Dubai

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

This is SUCH a great headline.

(Courtesy of the always-amusing Von Herwig.)

ABC News :: Burning Manure Pile in Nebraska Goes Out
Client meetings up. Blogging down.

Sorry for the dearth of linkety goodness. I've been all about client meetings the last two days. Having gotten through that, blogging will resume shortly...

Monday, February 21, 2005

No point to this one.

I just thought it was cute. :: World Famous Russian Clown Brings Snowmen to Moscow
This is what the interweb is all about.

Silly, pointless pixel tricks.

FLEACIRCUS · The show must go on!

Our own Wannabe Giant sent this to me last week, and, pathetically, I've only just uncovered it in my In box. It could, indeed, be one of the best "missed connections" ever. Thanks, B!

Craig's List :: Missed Connections

Sunday, February 20, 2005

When rude people are punished makes me smile.

WorldNetDaily :: 'Mouthy' traveler gets luggage blown up
I've got a lot more travelling to do.

I've only visited 37% of the U.S. so far.

This site has been around for awhile, but it's fun to check every once in awhile to see how my score's gone up...

World66 :: Map of Visited States
Luke Chueh.

"When you first look at his paintings, it's really cute, but when you look again, you gotta think...this Luke Chueh guy's got issues."

Very true. (Thanks for the fab tip, Bradley. - Thousands)


Friday, February 18, 2005

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Nonsense machines.

Having no attention span, I didn't read the intro to these products. Not reading it made the browsing experience very surreal. Especially Naki and Edelweiss products. Be sure to read the English descriptions.

Maywa Denki :: Products
I'm a-thinkin' a lot of people will be calling in sick 4/29.

Web geeks and opening day of the Hitchhiker's Guide movie. A recipe for unplanned sick days... :: Hitchiker's Guide To the Galaxy trailer
This made me chuckle.

Mule Design Feed Store :: Shatner (Unironic)

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Gates.

Okay. You can't go anywhere on the interweb these days without running across SOMEthing about Christo's new installation in Central Park, The Gates. Yes, it's beautiful. And I'd love to see it. But the oh-so-venerable attitude people take toward Christo's gimmicky art has annoyed me for years now. So, how pleased was I to get the link below? SO pleased. (Czelticgirl, you rock. Thank you.)

About The Somerville Gates

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

The joys of apartment hunting.

In my quest for a new abode, I ran across this little gem. This woman probably has the best of intentions, but she comes off as molto, molto creepy. :: Stay in my 1-BR for free
Kitty obstacle course.

I gotta push Macy a lot harder, man...

Cats give up life in the slow lane
In your face, Mr. Taking Up Two Parking Spaces

I wouldn't use 'em myself, but they are pretty funny.

I Park Like An Idiot :: bumper stickers

Monday, February 14, 2005

Another old favorite :: when the fun stops
Just to be fair

...I will also include anti-Valentinesy posts.

This one is great -- possibly the cutest bitchslap ever. fuck valentine's day!
Happy Valentine's Day!

In honor of my favorite holiday (except for my birthday), I'll be blogging only Valentinesy stuff today. Here's the first batch.

Love, bb.

The Onion | Latest Bin Laden Videotape Wishes America 'A Crappy Valentine's Day'

Poetry by E.E. Cummings

An oldie but goodie:

The ACME Heart Maker

This year it's all about undersea valentines...

First, I got a manatee. (Dang. I have to find a frame for his picture so I can display it proudly on my desk.) Today, I got an Aquapet from swissmiss.

From the Manufacturer:

Lugi says: Let's boogie down! I like trombones but I don't like fingers. I am from no one 'nose' and I am best buddies with Fanga and Tu. My power sign means: Slime Power. "Pick me?we'll go slime somebody!" Colors may vary.

Check him out - so cute! Thanks, T!

Aquapets: Lugi

Saturday, February 12, 2005

It's a boy!

Thanks to Lorraine, I am the proud adoptive mother of an endangered West Indian manatee named "Paddy Doyle." According to my adoption papers, he "...has the distinction of being one of the feistiest manatees to winter at Blue Spring State Park" in Florida. Ah, he's got his mother's Irish genes...

L-Dawg, you're the BEST.

And, Paddy, if you're reading this from some manatee internet cafe in Florida -- stay away from boat propellers, honey.

Save the Manatee Club :: Adopt-A-Manatee

Friday, February 11, 2005

Our latest web baby.

Just launched it today. Yay!

Herzing :: Corporate Home
The world gets stranger and stranger.

Granted, they're not built yet,


This is particularly cool (even though I can't help wondering about the lighting):

Virtual Tour :: Accomodations
Kinda interesting.

A cheat sheet for Rorschach tests. May come in handy some day if my (or your) sanity is ever questioned.

The Rorschach Test

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Today's interesting, useless fact

"It has even been estimated that one in 10 Europeans are conceived in an Ikea bed."


BBC NEWS :: The pleasure and pain of Ikea:
I'm SUCH an L&O dork

...that this news made me giddy as a schoolgirl. Seriously. Noth joins L&O: Criminal Intent

Read this and get back to work.

toothpaste for dinner :: panflute
If I had a QRIO, I'd buy him one of these.

I keep running across it out there on the interweb, and I'm starting to want one...

idog(アイドック)- 株式会社セガトイズ

Wednesday, February 9, 2005

"These are freshman in fucking college."

That was the intro when Von Herwig sent this link around our office. We're not sure whether to laugh or cry.

He followed it up with the comment, "Maybe we SHOULD privatize social security." He may be right.

projectsw3igart: The Masked Grader Strikes Again!
This actually made my stomach lurch.

In a good way. Whoa.

Pump Up The Movie :: Toss
Ah, that's my boss.

Mr. Hanson and his fancy hats made the newspaper this week.

JS Online: Good fashion is always above these guys' heads
A new blog to add to the list.

I ran across this last night. Having no life at the moment (it IS winter, you know), I read it for ages. I normally have no attention span to read diary-esque blogs, but this one is hilarious. (Like a sitcom. Except funny.) The one liners scattered throughout are killer:

"He's cute in that 'Can I check your oil?' kind of way"

"Sometimes you love people for no reason at all, like Whoppi Goldberg."

I wrote a song for you. It's called "I Want To Rock Your Body." In parentheses "All Night Long."

"It hurt like 8 bitches in a bitch boat"

"I'm known to growl every now and then. The ladies love the growl."

petullant :: February 2005

Tuesday, February 8, 2005

These are cute.

Unfortunately, they're also out of stock. (via

What a weird coincidence.

I just ran across this today in

A movie version of the evolution of the Wikipedia "Heavy Metal Umlaut" page.

Note of caution: May only appeal to web design geeks. (Definitely worth watching if you are one. 'Specially the bit in the middle where the site is hacked.)

Jon Udell:: Heavy metal umlaut, The Movie
I hate to admit it.

But, if you look through the gallery, it is a pretty compelling argument.

This one's my fave.

Superman is a Dick.

UPDATE: 2/9/04 - The site got too popular. It died. Funny error message, though.

We killed the server.

No, I haven't sunk to this level yet.

Though it is tempting at times...

MaxRacks :: Day 78
Pointless pre-Valentiney fun-ness.


Monday, February 7, 2005


Turns out that when I studied in Canterbury, I was a stone's throw (well, 23 miles according to one web site) from FOULNESS ISLAND. Had I known, I'd definitely have gone just for the souvenir shop.

My favorite part of the description: "The marshes of Foulness supported a considerable number of sheep during the Middle Ages."

I'm sure they did. (via

Foulness Island In Brief

I hate email hoaxes.

So I really like Snopes' new(ish) feature -- "25 Hottest Urban Legends." The next time you get an email that sounds fishy, check to see if the "threat" is on Snopes' list. :: 25 Hottest Urban Legends
The question is

...are they recognizable pop songs that will get stuck in your head? (via

dottocomu :: Hokkaido installs musical roads
(Happy sigh.)

I finally ordered something from the fantabulous Dunno why it took me so long... Anyway, be sure to browse through the rest of their stuff just for the sheer joy of it.

Aesthetic Apparatus :: Holly Golightly

Saturday, February 5, 2005

We all knew it existed.

We just didn't know it had a name. And a history. Okay, maybe you did. But I certainly didn't.

Wikipedia :: Heavy Metal Umlaut

For hours more useless, addictive reading, check out:

Wikipedia :: Unusual articles

Friday, February 4, 2005

If you're gonna sell stuff online should *always* make the descriptions this enticing.

(Thanks for the tip, Bradley.)

Moving Sale

Coo. I have a soft spot for this one.

deconcept :: I Choo Choo Choose You
This is for you, Czelticgirl.

And for the toast lover in all of us. Unfortunately, the toast holder isn't included. (boo)

Check out the rest of the store, too. Many, many lovely things. (via Design*Sponge)

Kewl Finds::Toast Washer by Star & Rose
Ah, Wisconsin culture and legacy.

We Wisconsinites have so very many things to be proud of. Including these incredibly bad comic books. The always delightful takes aim at them and blows 'em to bits.(via BoingBoing)

LILEKS :: Big Little Books

Thursday, February 3, 2005

Sure. The MP3 player is cute.

But I love the title of the review more -- namely, its implication that we've all been waiting anxiously for this. :: Finally, an MP3 player in the shape of a Lady Bug
I love Gene Kelly.

So this is very, very weird. But amazing.


...the latest commercial for Volkswagen Golf gti features Gene Kelly singing and dancing in the rain. He doesn't just dance though, he breakdances like mad, pops and flips to a modern club mix ersion of singing in the rain. The song has been remastered by none other than Mint Royale and will be released in the charts. To get Gene in the ad, DDB London had to sweet talk Kelly's widow Patricia Ward Kelly and show her that this would be faithful to Gene and the original scene, just updated. Since Gene was a great dancer and approved of modern dance the idea works.

Go to COMMERCIALS, click on ol' Gene, then VIEW the clip.

the Moving Picture Company :: VW Golf :: Singin' in the Rain
More cowbell!

Bless their hearts. Leave it to NPR to lift the cowbell to the status of worthy rock instrument. While you're there, check out the classic "more cowbell" SNL skit in the right column.

(Special thanks for Lorraine for the fab tip.)

NPR :: There's Just Something About That Cowbell

...each artist was asked to find a framed piece of artwork at their local thrift store and manipulate it into a piece of their own.

welcome to the wurst

Wednesday, February 2, 2005

This scares me.

As if worklife isn't stressful enough...

New Scientist :: Voicemail software recognises callers' emotions
They're no QRIOs, but they're still kinda cool.

OnRobo :: Early glimpse - TERA Robot Series

A note for my fellow travel bugs (I just saw it in the latest issue of Travel + Leisure last night): American Airlines doesn't have pillows anymore.

Crews should be able to make cabins cleaner, because they won't spend time collecting pillows, Wagner said. And most passengers should be able to use the adjustable headrests if they want to lean back, he said.

Um, yeah. It's all about comfort.

American Airlines remove the pillows from hundreds of flights