Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Sure, call me a Luddite

...but I don't see what's wrong with sticks.

Electric Marshmallow Toaster
World Sunlight Map
I'm addicted to wood s lot.

I have no idea how I stumbled on this blog, but it's absolutely the thickest, richest one I've ever seen. More like an online library than a paltry little blog. Poetry, essays, critiques... absolutely amazing. Like this recent entry - a quote from Gaston Bachelard:

I am a dreamer of words, of written words. I think I am reading; a word stops me. I leave the page. The syllables of the word begin to move around. Stressed accents begin to invert. The word abandons its meaning like an overload which is too heavy and prevents dreaming. Then words take on other meanings as if they had the right to be young. And the words wander away, looking in the nooks and crannies of vocabulary for new company, bad company.

::: wood s lot ::: "the fitful tracing of a portal"
Marlon Brando's bongos in your living room WOULD be pretty damned cool.

Amy's Robot: Dead Marlon's Stuff
Prob'ly won't happen

...but if I'm ever murdered, please let Damien Hirst know he's welcome to my death scene photos.

Telegraph :: Family outrage as Hirst plans 'sick' picture of murder scene
I couldn't describe it better myself.

The linkbunnies review :: Ladles and jellyspoons, I give you -

Need free online graph paper? The Buddhist Heart Sutra? The 2003 AIGA salary survey? The Church of Satan Info Pack?

Step right up to this (unintentionally) surreal little fount of PDF docs.

Yummy! Personal PDF Library
Quote of the day.

"They're using their ass cracks as a lure for attention and love." :: We're Nude York, Nude York!
(thanks for the tip, CG!)

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Fab (kinda) found objects.

Feeding my insatiable appetite for weird found thingies.

(I'll save you some trouble - click on the black dog to navigate forward.)

web wunderkammer :: wunder pages
"What is your favourite occupation?
I'd have to say Occupied France was probably the best. Don't you think? They hardly trashed the city at all."

Design Indaba :: Chip Kidd
2005 RCA student art show, Like Nowhere Else

Two lovely pieces from the product design section.

(They really need a web designer for their site, though. Yikes.)

Birdland by Roger Arquer

Bottle Hanger by Julien Buisson
I don't even want to work today.

I could sit here and watch vids all day. Nancy Sinatra, Royksopp, OK GO! (an adorable little pop band out of Chicago), The Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players, Procol Harum....and a squillion other things. Ugh! MUST. WORK.












小时候我觉得班干部很威风,所以很想当,但是我年纪最小,又实在不听话。我和叶老师说这件事,她说“你不知道同学的名字啊,怎么当班干部呢?”但是她给我份点名册,当晚我回去不知道为什么把点名册全背下来了,包括很难写的名字和所有的学号 —— 那是一年级开学第二周。叶老师觉得孺子可教,所以她和美术老师悄悄说让我当美术课代表(当时我只有美术特别优秀)。这件事给我的鼓励很大,叶老师总是鼓励我说凡是我想做的事没有做不到的,从此对待任何挑战,我总是有信心去迎接。

















Monday, June 27, 2005

Old bookmarks.

Just ran across this while cleaning out my bookmarks. It's one of my faves.

Men In Hats :: Online Comic
great t-shirt.

il deboscio
Proof that TV makes me smarter.

I was watching an episode of "House" yesterday -- they mentioned something called a "myoclonic jerk," the strange muscle jerk that sometimes happens when you're just falling asleep. I never knew it had a name. Turns out the ones that specifically relate to falling asleep are "hypnic jerks." But no matter. Thank you, House.

Opentopia Encyclopedia :: Hypnic jerk
Who knew?

LS&ESSI - Lightning Strike & Electric Shock Survivors International, Inc.

Sunday, June 26, 2005



是个没习惯写日记的人。开了五六个 blog,而且还都常常更新,可不是 graphic design 就是摄影,小说,评论 —— 无聊得很。所以今天这么一想,恐怕我是个很逃避生活逃避现实的人吧。作为对此前这十几年的一个总结,要诚实诚恳地做个总结。像卢梭写“忏悔录”,只有对过去坦白,才能面对上帝的最终审判毫不畏惧地说我是一个清白的人。



很不乖,经常欺负妈妈。因为检查出来头特别大,所有的医生都怀疑我畸形,让妈妈把我打掉。妈妈没有同意。医院里的陈阿姨给我做了很多次 B 超,是少数支持我在这个世界合法位置的医生之一,认为我没有畸形。。。感谢妈妈,生下我。。。更感谢您,那么勇敢地相信我,在我那么小的时候就这样爱我。出生后特别会吃,据说是个好小孩。^^



第一天的麻烦是:坚决把水叫成GG。于是吵了一天的“我要吃GG”,老师没听懂,当然就渴了一天,爸爸来接我才喝到水,把老师吓得 —— 从此见到我就问要不要吃GG。









第三个:其实不是习惯,而且养成了很不好的个性了 —— 骄傲自大,目中无人。小时候学了点舞,一点琴,就很自以为是了。去参加了一个什么表演赛,其他的选手都比我大很多,我居然还拿了个什么奖,于是自信心到了极点。一次期末考(忘了当时怎么叫),只要讲个小故事就算通过。我得意洋洋地讲了整整半小时的故事(仿佛是什么鞠苹姐姐讲故事里面连载的一个)。现在想想真是肤浅幼稚的可笑!到了大班,有各种各样全市的讲故事,算术,甚至拍皮球,跳绳的比赛。一人只能参加一项,当时语文老师和数学老师都希望我参加他们那项,我颇为得意,选了数学。但是从来不好好做练习 —— 练习只有反复做得一套,不多久我就把所有答案全背下来,所以总是做得最快最好的一个。比赛那天,(我至今清楚得记得)有两部分:几何和算术。几何部分老师让做完的人举手,我是全市第二个。(第一个仿佛是男生,不会是戴磊吧?不记得了,当时好像在天长小学考的)接着做算术,我很自作聪明地把平时背的那套答案写了上去,不用说,又是最快的。考完出来,数学老师埋怨一个男孩做得慢,我很得意地嘲笑了他。结果是他三等奖,我?当然落榜。






Thursday, June 23, 2005

I wouldn't know.

But apparently no one uses the Y-front properly.
(From Ricky Gervais of BBC's "The Office.") :: Bears - Episode 2
Hey, bloggers.

Take the MIT survey.

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Clear tape people.

Sounds dull, but they're kind of fascinating.

My faves:

Boy & girl


View more here:

Mark Jenkins :: Street Installations

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 :: Drivers get tickets at meters installed after they parked
Yes, I know this is everywhere right now.

But it made me laugh, so I'm posting it. So there.

Stuff On My Cat
Health Watch: Four Silent Killers

Brought to you by McSweeney's:

1) Carbon Monoxide

2) The B-2 Stealth Bomber

3) Reification

4) Ninjas

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Today's winner of the Grossest & Weirdest Headline. :: Giant Balls of 'Snot' Explain Ocean Mystery
Notice (via
This one's for you, swissmiss.

Chickens Suit :: Collection 05
New art for the new pad.

I bought two pieces of art today at the Lakefront Festival. When I got them home I realized I must be in a very Brothers Quay sorta mood because they both have a surreal puppet thing going on. Hmm

Anyway, I love 'em.

Kenneth Payne :: Deux ex machina
(check out his other work, too - really beautiful)

My tiny new sculpture isn't online, but here's the artist's site:
L. Chamberlain :: Simple Works

Friday, June 17, 2005

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Doing a nickel in a Sri Lanka prison. For fun.

Uh. No thanks.

The Daily News reported Thursday that Galle prison -- built in a centuries-old fort that is now a United Nations world heritage site -- would be developed into a tourist site.

Quoting Southern Province governor Kingsley T. Wickremaratne, the state-owned paper said guests would have to abandon their holiday finery on check-in and would be issued with prison uniforms for the duration of their stay. | Oddly Enough :: I'm off on vacation for 3-5 years...
One of my favorite Milwaukee things.

And I'm actually going to be able to make it this year. Yay!

Lakefront Festival of Arts

Yahoo's Flickr, an online community site and photo service, is readying to launch a print-on-demand service, reports; it has also learned that Flickr will partner with Qoop, which has not yet itself launched, to offer the service that allows users to select photos and formats to be printed into bound books. Those who want to publish such books with Qoop technology will be able to sell them on their own websites or through online ads, including a link that takes the buyer to Qoop for payment processing, ordering and fulfillment.

MarketingVOX :: Yahoo's Flickr to Team with Qoop for Photo Printing

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

This time it's not a hoax.

Public Broadcasting Targeted By House
Panel Seeks to End CPB's Funding Within 2 Years
By Paul Farhi, Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, June 10, 2005

A House subcommittee voted yesterday to sharply reduce the federal government's financial support for public broadcasting, including eliminating taxpayer funds that help underwrite such popular children's educational programs as 'Sesame Street,' 'Reading Rainbow,' 'Arthur' and 'Postcards From Buster."

In addition, the subcommittee acted to eliminate within two years all federal money for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- which passes federal funds to public broadcasters -- starting with a 25 percent reduction in CPB's budget for next year, from $400 million to $300 million.

Read the story:
Washington Post :: Public Broadcasting Targeted By House

Sign the petition: :: Save NPR & PBS
Oh, ewwwwww.

BBC NEWS :: Rings of bone grown for couples
YesButNoButYes :: Church Sign Spam
Fainting goats. Watch the video.

Fainting goats are a slightly smaller version of the standard goat, who, believe it or not, thanks to a genetic condition called myotonia congenita, actually seem to faint when they are startled. reblog :: Fainting Goats

Monday, June 13, 2005

Best sentence?

...the poll finds many women would be OK with that. An even greater percentage of them say they would be up for the switch.

azcentral :: 38% of French men wish they could get pregnant
Head to head with Go Fug Yourself.

Utter Wonder :: Fashion Highs and Lows of the Westboro Baptist Church.
McSweeney's Internet Tendency :: Things Heard During John Cage's Folsom Prison Performance of "4'33"."

Products for the "illness-wary lifestyle."

well design :: products
I'm sure I'd get writer's block, too. But I want to be a fortune cookie copywriter now.

At first, the writing came easily. Finding inspiration in sources ranging from the I Ching to the Post, Lau cranked out three or four maxims a day, between scrutinizing spreadsheets and monitoring the company's inventory of chow mein. I'd be on the subway and look up at the signs and think, "Hey, that would make a great fortune," he said. (One such adage: "Beware of odors from unfamiliar sources.") I'd keep a small notebook and jot down whatever came to me. I don't think I ever sat in front of the computer and said, "I am going to write ten fortunes right now." It has to come naturally.

The New Yorker :: Odd Jobs Department - Cookie Master
Oh, no.

I'm glad chickens can't read.

McMurray Hatchery :: Meat-N-Egg Combo
A lovely way to start a Monday.

Utata :: presents :: TRAINS

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Museum street banners for your house.

Damn. If I had the bucks, I'd be all over this:

BetterWall is your exclusive source for authentic, limited-edition street banners from museums around the world. When you buy a banner from BetterWall, you get a unique, dramatic work of art to display in your home. But, your purchase means much more! A percentage of the proceeds of every banner sold through goes back to the museum. Be a part of BetterWall’s community of discriminating buyers who care about good design and supporting the arts.

BetterWall :: Your Exclusive Source for Limited-Edition Museum Banners

(via Land+Living)
Buy & donate.

I splurged and bought a quilt from Garnet Hill this morning. Before checking out, I went searching for a free shipping coupon. Didn't find free shipping, but I did find this -- Benevolink. Buy something from one of their vendors, and the vendor donates to your favorite local or national charity. It takes a minute to register, then it's no different than shopping online anyway. 6% of my purchase went to the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. (There are dozens upon dozens of Milwaukee charities in their database.) So cool.

Benevolink :: You Buy The Things You Want. Your Favorite Charity Gets The Things It Needs.

(p.s. It's a BBB Certified program.)

Saturday, June 11, 2005

My poor brother.

He moved to Pensacola last summer for nicer weather. Not so much. (Hope you and Katy still have electricity, Pedder...)

Yahoo! News :: Panhandle Pounded As Arlene Nears Coast
Nervous much?

CHICAGO - An airline passenger's MP3 player and three vials harmless herbal remedies led to an emergency landing at O'Hare International Airport, the evacuation of 74 passengers and crew and a search of the plane Tuesday by the Chicago Police bomb squad.

AP Wire :: MP3 player, herbal remedies lead to emergency landing at O'Hare
Doggy backpack.

If it actually looked like a backpack, I'd get one, write the names of bands on it and send it to my favorite little hound, Bogey, to impress the chicks down in Florida...

Carol Wright Gifts :: Dog Backpack


Why don't you love me?
Originally uploaded by samideluxe.

My fabulous buddy (and hookup for imported English makeup!), Samideluxe, snapped this one. I *love* it. Check out the rest of her flickr photos, too. So worth it.

Sometimes CL is like hearing a pal tell a really good story. :: to my ex and his impending lack of sex

Friday, June 10, 2005

Candy concepts by design students.

(A mid-term project during winter term 2004/2005 at the KISD Köln International School of Design.)

A minor alteration of this product achieves an immense effect. The “noobs” are produced through placing two brown chocolate eyes on small white chocolate marshmallows. The intention is to achieve a maximum result through the smallest possible expenditure from a creative and technical point of view. The second time one looks at the product, one realises the effects of the alteration. A simple chocolate marshmallow has become a product that creates emotions.

Look into their innocent eyes and try to see the world from the “noob's” perspective for a moment , and then eat one.


View all the candy here:
sweet dreams
Grown up paintings from kids' drawings.

Surprisingly cool.

Dave Devries's Monster Engine
Signal vs. Noise :: Hungry?
Clientcopia : Coping with stupid clients
Great Threadless t-shirt.

Threadless T-Shirts :: Emotional Trip, by Glenn Flanagan-Dutton

Other artwork by Greyworld, the Bins & Benches installation folks.

Greyworld :: Artworks
I dunno. I kinda like it.

Adrants:: 'Let's Hug It Out, Bitch' Street Postings Promote HBO's 'Entourage'
Gorgeous old ads.

I love this one, even if I have no idea what an anthropomorphic pickle, industrial lubricants and Heinz 57 have to do with each other. :: Mister Pickle takes a dip

View all: :: Gallery

(via, possibly the best design-y blog in the world)
This makes me happy.

The benches love to be sat on - it makes them particularly happy in fact, and they often take up position in new spaces to make themselves more attractive to potential human sitters. Sometimes, when it rains, they move themselves to drier, shadier areas of the square. To attract potential human sitting folk, they like to form patterns - the benches moving in to shapes in the centre of the piazza.

The bins are also free to roam the piazza, but they are a little more solitary, preferring their own company, and a little quiet space to occupy. It's a tough life being a bin, and they like to contemplate their humble lot on their own.

There's one other thing to note about this free spirited furniture. When the mood takes them, perhaps when the weather is fine, or most of the bench clan are being sat on, they like to burst in to song. Sometimes, small clusters gather together and sing a tight six-part harmony, and occasionally, though much more rarely due to their shyness, the bins join in with their sweet soprano voices.

Each bench drifts slowly around the square, no faster than a strolling human, and is equipped with sensors that detect the presence of objects in its immediate vicinity, coming to a complete halt when any object is closer than two metres.

Urban Junction :: Greyworld:
Bins & Benches

BBC News Story:
BBC NEWS :: Singing benches let loose in city
Need more drama in your life?

Needies :: Like Rain on a Sunshiny Day

Thursday, June 9, 2005


"Hermit crabs routinely take over shells that have been vacated by their fellows. Periodically, multiple crabs will locate a single new shell by smell simultaneously. When this occurs, a choreographed activity may take place. The crabs line up next to each other, according to size, with the largest situated next to the new, recently fondled dwelling. The largest crab will then vacate its shell in favor of the new one. The shell that has just been emptied will be passed to the crab next in size down the line. This crab will look it over and possibly adopt it, in turn handing its own shell down to the crab next in size, and so on. The practice is precise and fast, resulting in the greatest number of crabs achieving properly fitting homes while affording all the least amount of time spent outside their shells, unsheltered from predators."

Cabinet Magazine Online :: The Hand Up Project: Attempting to Meet the New Needs of Natural Life-Forms
flickr :: flickr schwag 1.0, baby!
Oh. My. Lord.

Looking for sperm? Buy some online.

Fairfax Cryobank
Illegal Art :: Visual Gallery
More robots.

flickr :: coolrobot
New robot.

Gizmodo :: World's First "Tasting" Robot
So which sign of the apocalypse is this?

I lose track...

cnn :: Ronald McDonald becomes fitness guru

Wednesday, June 8, 2005


Our "Series 13" work (4th thumbnail under "Commerce") is up for a Flashforward2005 award. Very, very cool.

[Flashforward >> Festival Finalists]
Sly sez, "Have some pudding."

Instone Nutrition
Hard learned lessons in marketing.

The bigger the effort to woo the client, the more embarrassing the consequences if your bid fails.

It's not looking good, but good luck anyway, NY. You can always remove the sign and stomp on it.

Big-ass Olympic Bid sign
Oh, maaaaaan.

More stuff to buy.

Wonderful Graffiti

Our beloved Timmy's beloved Megan has a lovely "Stripes" tie for sale on Lucky boy, that Timmy.

Naked & Angry - You'll love it so much, you'll forget to put on the rest of your clothes.
I'm getting some of these.

Love 'em!


Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Ananova :: Clothing for chickens
Bizarre optical illusion.

Rapid afterimage
Man delivers 4 pizzas after getting shot
Cool. I still have time.

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | The age of 50 marks authors' peak
Brand research.

I was doing brand research on the Dyson Vacuum when I ran across this. It's an old story, but it made me laugh, so I'm bloggin' it.

IT WAS an unprovoked attack on a man in his own home by an assailant whose identity was never in doubt. [...] But Norman Grant knew that he had little chance of securing a conviction when he was set upon by his new vacuum cleaner and thrown down the stairs.

The Times Online :: Victim wins £10,000 over sucker blow from a Dyson:
Our disposable world. :: World's first disposable digital camcorder
Fun art.

Justine Smith
Good to know

...that in our "secure" digital world, we need only worry about them losing the backup tapes in transit. Sheesh. :: CitiFinancial Warns 3.9 Million Customers of Computer Tape Loss

Last month's celebration of the 100th anniversary of Jules Verne's death:

Residents of Nantes, France woke to a space capsule crashed into a smoking pile of rubble in the central square of the city. Later that day, a giant animatronic elephant and entourage of the Sultan paraded into town to visit the mayor. [...] On Saturday, the capsule opened to reveal a giant animatronic girl who walked through the streets, mischievously sewed a row of parked cars to the street with a shipping Hauser rope, rode a scooter, and even asked that the crowd give her some privacy while she used the toilet.

Royal de Luxe
Fantastically weird furniture.

Some ugly, some fantastic. Check out the cabinets and projects.

Straight Line Designs :: Unique Furniture - Vancouver, Canada

Friday, June 3, 2005

New to me, too.

All the cool kids are trying it...

Ektopia :: Sonic Finger's Dead Quietenator Audio Plugin
Here's one for you, Mark.

Your girl's got a new series. With any luck, it'll only take a year or two to get to the States...

Families Online :: Nigella Lawson's New Television Series
It's Tour de France season.

Always a crazy time for us here at the studio, working for Trek. But this year it's particularly fun to watch the Lance machine set in motion. :: LANCE ARMSTRONG'S LAST RACE SPAWNS AD EXTRAVAGANZA
These are horrible.

Check out the Guardian Angel line of the '05 collection.

Vlieger & Vandam

Thursday, June 2, 2005

Welcome to the blogging community, T!

swissmiss blog
National Geographic :: Standing Panda is big in Japan
I'd no idea. Eww.

Yes, the reef story is bogus, but this tidbit was interesting/gross, from a Milwaukeean's point of view.

In 2003, for example, the Associated Press reported on efforts by the city of Milwaukee to prevent used condoms from floating into Lake Michigan [...]:

"Workers for the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Commission said they found only 50 or 60 condoms in the harbor after the fisherman's complaints, but the district has been paying an average of $460 per day for an employee to scoop spent condoms with long-handled nets from tanks at a wastewater treatment plant.

Crews also scoop any prophylactics from the lake." :: Condom Reef
Mark your calendar.

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts :: June 3rd is Free Doughnut Day
"We've got to stop issuing vague warnings...''

Welcome to the world of information design, fellas. My name's BB, and I live here. Have a nice day. :: U.S. House Votes to Replace Color-Coded Terror Threat Warnings
A great pairing of images and concepts.

Click on "Preview the book" then "Reacting." Click through the photos from there.

thoughtlessacts | jane fulton suri | IDEO | design thinking
The caption says it all.

Snog Blog :: Worst Logo Ever
The World's Biggest Sandwich
I *love* this rug.

j.milo | net rug
From our not-too-distant past

[shakes and hangs head]

Gizmodo :: PETA Wednesday - WWII Bat Bombs

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Shamelessly skanked from Czeltic Girl.

I can't help it, CG. Must share. (Note for the squeamish: Skip the Anal-Eze review. Trust me.)

You have to admire his OCD. 11 pages of bogus reviews? Brilliant. :: Smith T. Aames - Reviews
The joke here is just too obvious.

I think the person that wrote the story had a bet going about how many times s/he could use the phrase "cross the road."

BBC NEWS :: US chicken ducks jaywalking fine
Gigantic Elvis Wig

LONDON - Percy and Florence Arrowsmith, who celebrated their 80th wedding anniversary Wednesday, say the secrets of the world's longest marriage are don't sleep on an argument, always share a kiss and hold hands before going to bed.

Couple celebrates 80th wedding anniversary