Thursday, May 20, 2004

Okay. This is just weird.

Obviously a hoax, yet written so earnestly.

(via Geisha Asobi)

Giant human skeleton found in Saudi Arabia

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

My latest favorite read.

When I check a site every day, it must be doing something right. The Defamer is pretty new and god bless 'em for being the buzz. I love good celebrity and pop culture gossip.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Oh, pleeeeeease.

If they're so compromising, why are they on a laptop computer at a friend's house? And, more importantly, what is wrong with these people???? Why do they insist on documenting their sexual liaisons anyway, if they're not planning on having them turn up on a web site?

"Moore is reportedly devastated at the possibility that the raunchy pictures - which were saved on a laptop computer taken from the Hollywood home of Kutcher's friend Adam Goldberg - will appear on the Internet and cause an even bigger sensation than Hilton's sex video."

Raunchy pics of Demi, Ashton reportedly stolen:

Friday, May 14, 2004

Ian Heidegger. Short Film Director.

:30 TV spots for the Toronto Worldwide Short Film Festival. Brilliant. Trust me.

My favorite:

I Have An Idea

The others:

I Have An Idea - List

David Hasselhoff zen.

Overt and subtle.

knightrider impossibles

i am german

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Sometimes commercials are just good.

Combining sly humor and incredibly realistic characters, Comcast addresses its reputation for poor customer support head on in this new flock of TV ads. The country's largest cable company wants the world to know that service isn't just improved, it's shockingly good. (


Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Designed for truly anal retentive types

I can guarantee I'd lose the key, and the whole thing would be useless. But it's funny anyway. | Design a Key
If this is true, the woman seriously needs therapy.

Apparently, engagement is the new dating.

J.Lo reportedly engaged to Marc Anthony

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Ah, more poor spelling.

Perhaps if they'd spelled the final word correctly, the memo wouldn't have been posted for PUBLIC consumption.

INTERNALMEMOS.COM | Internet's largest collection of corporate memos and internal communication

Friday, May 7, 2004

I hope he does show up.

Not that I was a huge Andy Kaufman fan, but I think it would rock Hollywood if the guy actually showed up on Sunday.

Associated Press

May. 7, 2004 10:01 AM

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. - Andy Kaufman had said if he were going to fake his own death, he would return 20 years later, to the day. That would be Sunday.

So, his pals have rented out the House of Blues on the Sunset Strip in West Hollywood for that night in hopes he'll show up - along with paying fans, of course.

Even if Andy Kaufman doesn't show, there will be a night of comedy - with Rodney Dangerfield, Caroline Rhea, Bob Oedenkirk, Andy Dick, wrestler Jerry Lawler and Paul Rudd, who plays Phoebe's husband, Mike, on 'Friends,' and others.

Bob Zmuda as Tony Clifton provides the musical entertainment.
It's just so dang catchy.

And it's got Weebl's badger graphics. Fun!

Causing so much joy should almost be illegal.

I was going to blog a few gems from this week's newsletter, but it's so chumping chock-full of interweb brilliance that I couldn't even choose which ones to blog. They've outdone themselves.

If you don't trawl through their newsletter yourself, you're missing out on a hundred little slices of (geeky and sophomoric) paradise.

My favorite quote this week:

"Brian Blessed is like the living incarnation of bigness and shoutiness." (It's so true.)


Thursday, May 6, 2004

Great concept cafe. Cool web site.

Cereality Cereal Bar & Caf's concept is a kitchen-like setting, offering 33 brand-name cereals, 34 toppings and a selection of milks, including soy. Pajama-wearing "cereologists" prepare personalized combinations.

Cereality | web site

Article: Boulder partners create their own Cereality world
A plushy for programmers.

Killer Rabbit with Pointy Teeth
Open the pod bay doors, Hal.

This is so cool, it's frightening.

Be sure to watch one of the videos at the bottom of the screen to get the full eerie effect of jumping from physical to digital and back again...

Augmented Surfaces
These are cool.

Snow Globes!

Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Any movie with Iggy Pop and Tom Waits talking to each other will see my ten dollar admission.

Nevermind that it's a Jim Jarmusch movie. And that Steven Wright and Roberto Benigni are also in a vignette together.

Everything beyond Iggy and Tom is just icing.

Coffee and Cigarettes | Quicktime Trailers
You can live in a state your whole life and never know its treasures.

...'They don't know what to do -- the old people,' Sam says, returning with our caffeine. 'At funerals, you know.' So he came up with the idea of sending them down here -- to hang out with frolicking dead animals. Maybe human heaven will be just as much fun.

What do kids think of all this?, we ask. 'They love it!' Sam exclaims. 'Of course, kids...they don't like killing animals. I don't like killing animals.' Then how did all these dead animals end up here? 'Road kill,' Sam answers. 'And accidents.' Sam says that all the chipmunks came from local golf courses. 'Killed by golf balls.' "

Roadside America: Madison, WI | Sam Sanfillippo's Funeral Home Dioramas
The new Friendster? | An art project/social experiment

Artist Andrew Van Hook's Urban Pioneer Project (UPP) is creating a place in history for modern city dwellers. The Web-based project is

essentially an archive of individuals' lives, complete with photos of

personal spaces, lists of refrigerator contents, and responses to a

series of questions that include 'Dream job' and 'Favorite restaurant,'

among many others. Urban Pioneers apply to join via the website and,

upon being accepted, are given a number and certificate and are then

expected to complete a profile that gives voyeurs a glimpse into their

lives. However, only other Urban Pioneers can view these slide

show-formatted profiles. Other perks to being a Pioneer include access

to Urban Pioneer parties, gallery openings, online content, and social

and professional networking opportunities.

While less selective networking sites, such as Friendster and MySpace, are growing to monster proportions, the application-necessary UPP illustrates the burgeoning demand for filtration, as well as a desire for online interaction that leads to in-person experiences. Van Hook does not want the project to grow infinitely and plans on putting a halt on the applicant pool when it gets too large.

While Van Hook first got the word out about the UPP through silhouette imaged stickers plastered all over New York City, the stickers are now making international appearances in cities such as Berlin, Buenos Aires, and London, and those in-the-know are signing up.

The Urban Pioneer Project

Monday, May 3, 2004


Plus some other fun ads.

Even if you don't speak the language, this delightful Spanish-language ad will have you humming about elephants all day. It is based on a much beloved Hispanic nursery rhyme about elephants dancing on a spider web. The spot's gag is a word play -- the driver misreads an invitation to a posh social affair as requiring 'elephant' clothes rather than 'elegant' clothes. No matter, he and his friends go into the ball floppy ears and all." (from