Thursday, April 27, 2006

Everyone likes bedtime stories, right?

I think this is lovely.

Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
Chicago Bans Foie Gras
"We have children getting killed by gang leaders and dope dealers. We have real issues here in the city. And we're dealing with foie gras? Let's get some priorities."
Judging magazines by their covers.

Hope this one is as good as it looks. :: CRAFT: Make Cool Stuff
Eerie, industrial, beautiful photos.

Branislav Kropilak :: Garages

de Volkskrant – Fantastic assortment of illustration and flash animation.

de Volkskrant :: Archive
A fantastic building with a beautiful web site.

Whoa - check out the view from the upper floors. (If you skip the intro, you can view the site in English.)

Why is the building twisted?
The shape of HSB Turning Torso is based on the beautiful sculpture "Twisting Torso" by Santiago Calatrava, which is composed of nine cubes of white marble tied together by a "spine" twisting 90 degrees from top to bottom.

HSB Turning Torso

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I'm posting this simply because they have an excellent company name.

Job Opening: Ham in the Fridge (Experienced Flash Developer)

Company: Ham in the Fridge
Title: Experienced Flash Developer
Location: Minneapolis, MN

Interactive agency seeks full-time flash actionscripter (2.0) guru
to work in a highly collaborative environment concepting and
developing games, promotional microsites and more for clients like
Target, Cartoon Network, and others. Attention to visual details a
must, sense of humor optional, but highly preferred!

To respond, email resume and samples to

Welcome to Ham in the Fridge

(via today's newsletter)
Damn, IKEA is cheap.

IKEA :: JOKKMOKK table and 4 chairs - $99.99
Zebra Hall, the extraordinary toy shop.

GORGEOUS (and expensive) toys.

Vintage theatre set (12 yrs - adult)

Mirrored praxinoscope (12 yrs - adult)

Musical mouse matchbox (5 yrs - adult)
Guerilla drive-in theatres.

What is the Mobile Movie?
We are a grassroots movement aimed at bringing back the forgotten joy of the great American drive-in. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, what used to be a dark and decrepit warehouse wall springs to life with the sublime sights and sounds of a big screen movie. Best of all, the MobMov is free.

How do I participate in a MobMov?
Simple. Sign up to our mailing list. Showings are held in Berkeley approximately every two weeks usually on the weekend. The day before the Mob, we'll e-mail everyone with the location and the movie. If you want to join in, all you have to do is fill your car with your friends and find the spot.

MobMov :: the mobile movie slash guerilla drive-in

(via Springwise)

Monday, April 24, 2006

Wow. A blast from the past.

Taking it back old school. Ran across this unexpectedly - an original print of the cover art from Laurie Anderson's Mister Heartbreak album. Really quite terrible art, but one of my favorite albums in college. [sigh]

Shark's Ink.
This made me laugh.

YesButNoButYes :: On the job
Not to be confused with the Visual Thesaurus....

The Visual Dictionary is a collection of words in the real world. Photographs of signage, graffiti, advertising, tattoos, you name it, we're trying to catalogue it.

It's a grass roots thing. You can help them out by submitting your own words.

(I think it'd be brilliant if all the words were in some way defined by the photos, but it's still fun to click through it to see the misc. photos and typefaces.)

The Visual Dictionary - a visual exploration of words in the real world.
Great portfolio site.

I admit it. I'm a sucker for these types of puppets. And I love the animated bottom nav.

I like it.

Veer :: Kern Zip-up Jacket
Really nice stock photo, font and design/art book site.

A few things that caught my eye:
- Wood grain stock photo disc
- Japanese pattern stock photo disc
- Revolutionary Poster book


(via Treehugger)
Urban Dictionary's Word(s) of the Day.

Ah, college. I remember that, I think...

Facebook Official:
The ultimate definition of a college relationship - when on one's facebook profile it says "In A Relationship" and your significant other's name.

Urban Dictionary :: Facebook Official

Friday, April 21, 2006

The peanut has arrived.

Just got the news: Tina (swissmiss) had her baby – Ella Joy Eisenberg, born today at 10:28am. 8lb, 2oz, 21 inches.

Best wishes to my Brooklyn roommies, T. & Gary. Yay!

p.s. Be sure to stop by her blog and give the new parents a little love: swissmiss
I'm not a fan of Peeps, but it never occurred to me to do them harm.

Bunnyocalypse :: Marshmallow Bunny Apocalypse

(via Found on the Web)
One of my fave artists – Ron Mueck.

Ever since I saw pix of his Angel - a little depressed guy with wings -- I've loved Ron Mueck. His work is all about unsettling scale and detail. Incredibly powerful when you see it.

Washington Post :: Ron Mueck slideshow

More about Ron Mueck here.

(Big thanks to Chris Glass for the reminder.)
Nice resource for marketing professionals.

Showcasing Tiny Showcase.

If you have blank wall space and not a lot of cash, this is a great place to pick up some lovely artwork.

Sign up for their their newsletter, and every week you'll get a heads-up about their latest piece. Usually around 20 bucks, part of the proceeds go to charity, and you have some lovely limited-edition original artwork. Good deal.

Tiny Showcase
Buddha's birthday.

The BFF, Lorraine, sent me this fantastic pic of The Lantern Festival in Seoul. Four years ago, I was there as a volunteer, teetering on scaffolding, hanging these lanterns and prayer tags across the Chogye temple grounds.

Thanks, L-Dawg. This made me smile, girl.

MSN :: Buddha's Birthday @ Chogye Temple
I'm going to be an aunt today!

My long-distance roommate and little Swiss soul sister, Tina "swissmiss" Roth-Eisenberg, is having my long-distance niece today! This girl is a wild ride, I tell you. One day, you meet someone at a design conference in Chicago, then suddenly (a few years later) you're at her wedding on a mountaintop in Switzerland, then you're sitting in your living room in Milwaukee, blogging about how she's having a baby in New York. I tell ya, Swiss friends are a handful. They require maps. Lots and lots of maps. ;)

For those of you that came here from her blog, I'll do my best to entertain you. But, don't worry. She'll be back on her computer before you know it. She can't help herself.

(Good luck, T. I love you, and I can't wait to see my new munchkin LD-N...)


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Time for a change.

Yes, it's a new blog template. It's spring, and I was in the mood for a change. Not sure if I'm gonna stick with it, but it's good for right now.

(btw - if any links glitch out, just let me know.)
Megan Whitmarsh @ Hotel Gallery.

Her stuff always makes me laugh. Like this one: Ace Meets Star Wars.

motel gallery

Monday, April 17, 2006

"Become a Socialist hero"...from $149.

A revolutionary oil painting – Your portrait painted like a propaganda poster.Offer yourself a beautiful oil painting, executed by an artist painter. Originality guaranteed. :: Vintage Chinese Propaganda Posters

Only John Lurie* should be able to get away with exhibiting art this bad (but funny).

"I like to draw and paint. It is a river to me. I am not an Indian."

Bunny Produit De Arabie

Skinny the Horse
Strange and Beautiful :: Art by John

*or Tom Waits
Two links for independent travellers.

If you're not a "let's get a tour package and spend all our time travelling by bus with a buncha people we don't know" kinda person, you might find this helpful.

Untours :: European Vacation Rentals With Support!

The RIGHT Vacation Rental

Friday, April 14, 2006
Lost Format Preservation Society

The society was founded in 2000 with the design of Emigre issue no. 57. Its sole purpose is to save formats from obscurity.

This overview of Lost Formats is not presented in any particular order and not in any way complete. Anyone can nominate their own beloved format by sending a picture and specifications to

Really, really strange.

Didn't make me want to customize a pair of Adidas in the least...

electro^plankton: adicolor Short
Mesmerizing art site.

Not everyone's cuppa, I know, but I got lost in this guy's site for about an hour. An incredible body of work. And a lot of it is very reasonably priced.

Jesse Reno

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Oven mitts for geeks.

So unabashedly dorky, they made me laugh. :: merchandise
+ gowanus | a map of history, fact & fantasy

For my Brooklyn buddies, swissmiss, samideluxe and g.

a historical / factual / fantastical map of the gowanus canal neighborhood in brooklyn.

inkbox dot org
Brilliant. Titanic 2 trailer.

YouTube :: Titanic 2 Preview
Kindly-grown eggs with an expiration date.

I'll check these out next time I'm at The Outpost.
Born Free eggs
An intriguing gadget for a non-gadget girl.

I'm not a fan of French press coffee. (It always seems weak to me.) However, this sounds like it makes a good, strong cuppa joe.

May be worth a try for only $30.

gizmag :: The AeroPress Coffee Machine - a new concept in an ancient art
Good stuff at

A treat to stumble on this.

iamstill alive :: Store

(via coudal)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Public service announcement.

If you don't agree with this, move on. Nothing to see here. If you do agree, please think about signing this. Political Action :: Petition – Don't Nuke Iran
Too much goodness in one store!

Art Star Gallery & Boutique :: Philadelphia, PA