Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Interesting Ads Collection

perfect bag for the Olympic Games

New use of Post-its

Playboy Magazine

Credit: Playboy Magazine
Description: Very simple idea. If you lie on a Playboy mat you can be a cover girl as well

Wonder Bra
Wonder Bra
Wonder Bra

Credits: Wonder Bra
Description: Very creative idea! How you can use wonderbra to get you a nice looking cleavage.


Credit: Mini Cooper
Description: A Mini Cooper ad placed outside of a subway exit making it look like everyone entering and exiting out of a Mini Cooper. Symbolizes that even though Mini is small, it’s size can fit many.

Folgers Coffee

Credit: Folgers Coffee Mug
Description: A Folgers Coffee mug placed on top of a manhole in New York City, there are holdes in the printed ad to allow steam to come out

Benjamin Paints

Credit: Benjamin Moore Paints
Description: An empty frame placed on the side of a building by Bejamin Moore Paints. It symbolizes that the Paints can be as colorful as the sky


Credit: Mr. Clean
Description: While all the lines are dirty on the street, a clean and white one can surely stand up making people think it is indeed cleaned by Mr. Clean. Something you cannot miss while crossing the street


Credit: Durex
Description: A new line of Durex condoms with “ribs” pattern placed on top of a handycap sidewalk. The pattern is great for pleasure


Credit: Lego
Description: A lego break carried by a gigantic crane. You can build lego structures the way we build real buildings

Karate School

Credit: Karate School
Description: Intelligently using the gap of a road. If you attend our karate school, you’ll be able to do this in days!


Credit: O’Bobol
Description: Bubble Gum ad by O’Bobol

Casinò di Venezia Guerrilla

Credit: Casino di Venezia Guerrilla
Description: Creatively placed roulette patterns on a carriage belt in an airport, when the carrier moves you can see the roulette spinning

German Olympic Sport Federation

Credit: Scholz & Friends
Client: German Olympic Sport Federation
Description: It says “If you don’t move you’ll get fat”