Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Please Help the Earthquake Victims

Date: 2:28 PM, May 12, 2008
Location: Sichuan, China
Magnitude: 7.8

Dead: 62664
Injured: 358816
Missing: 23775
Homeless: 11 million

Remember: it's not just a number.

Many of them are school children.

Their classrooms collapsed when they were having class...

And because China's one child policy, many parents have lost their only child.

But the most heartbreaking thing about the earthquake is that the people narrowly escaped from death are now dying because of infection (generated from the sea of dead bodies) or lack of clean water. Therefore we, a group of Chinese students studying abroad and in the mainland, decided to purchase 5000 boxes of Water Purification Tablets. We have negotiated a deal with the manufactory, and also the aircraft which would ship our purchase directly to Sichuan region, but we need your help.

Please help the victims of this disaster by donating here:

* A five dollar donation can buy a 50-tablets water purification that could provide 5 earthquake victim a whole week's supply of clean water, that is time just enough for more relief work to get in place. So your donation might just save this person's life. Thank you!

And you can also help just by getting the message out.

this post with your friends, on your blogs, etc. Call people's attention to this humanitarian disaster.

Let's pray for these people, the injured, the dead, and the ones yet to be found. Let us pray that the earthquake will not cause any more damage, nor will it spread to further cities in China.