Monday, July 7, 2008

Congratulations, Carly & Matt!

The morning started out 'damp-ish' and then when the time came for Matt & Carly's pictures, the skies were dropping a steady rain. Though we were in the beautiful Estes Chapel at Asbury Seminary, I was really sad -- I was about to have my first 'rain in' of the year. Within minutes though, it cleared up and I was delighted that we were able to go outdoors for the rest of their photos. By the time the ceremony began, the clouds cleared, and the happy couple exited Estes to bright sunshine!

It was a beautiful wedding blessed by the presence of many family and friends. One could sense their blessing on the couple during a joyous singing of the communion hymn, "This is My Story, This is My Song," and I was reminded again why I enjoy weddings so much. Another fun aspect to this particular day was photographing fellow wedding photographer, Mary Lashbrook, who was a member of the wedding party!

Vendor Credits:

Flowers by JeanieGorrell [at]

Venue: Asbury Theological Seminary

Make-up: Hilary Fiskeaux