Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday photo tip

During the next 6 weeks or so while things are still a bit quiet on the photography front, I thought I might share a few photo tips here and there! Below is an image I shot late last month of my husband's brother and his wife the day little Elisha was born. This is straight out of the camera (SOOC).

The way I got this shot with this warm yummy glow (no flash) is by taking advantage of what we had to work with in the hospital room! It happened to be about 4 or 5 in the afternoon and the sun was low in the sky, shining right in their window. We just took the hospital curtain and whipped it around on the track so it was behind me, opposite the window and bouncing that beautiful golden hour light right on the happy little family.

You may not have a hospital curtain, but light-colored buildings and even sidewalks have been effective at bouncing light -- you just have to start looking for light a little creatively!

Congrats again, Stephen and Rachel! We can't wait to see the person that Elisha grows up to be!