Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yorkshire Family Portrait Photographer

Today we made a round trip of 123 miles to Litton in the Yorkshire Dales for a family portrait session for 17 lovely people. It was a very long way to travel for a portrait sesssion but Kate hired us quite a while ago to do this, as a special gift for her parents' ruby wedding anniversary. The family hired a cottage in this spectacular location for a week and they thought that as they don't all get together very often, being spread all over the country from Wales to Southampton to Yorkshire, it would be great to take the opportunity to have some photographs taken together. We were privileged that Kate chose us to do this and we'd arranged to work outside if the weather was kind, which is wasn't! Driving along the winding roads through a mixture of drizzle and fog, it wasn't looking good for photographs outside but we kept our fingers crossed for a break in the weather. By the time we arrived at the cottage, it was still very wet underfoot but it had at least stopped raining and we really wanted to make the most of the beautiful backdrop outside. Everyone was brilliant, adults and children alike and got their coats, boots and wellies on to trudge through the wet grass to the spot we'd chosen. After taking some big family group shots of everyone, we took the smaller groups which the family had requested before heading back to the cottage for coffee and the most delicious homemade cake! Thank you for making us very welcome. We really enjoyed your company. It was well worth the long journey and the wet feet! We hope you enjoyed it too.
