Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wilmore Wedding Photography: Jessie + Zach, Part 2

When Jessie contacted me last winter about photographing her wedding, I was very touched. It's always an honor when someone asks me to serve as their photographer, but I knew Jessie back in her college days several years ago (in my pre-wedding photography days), and I had no idea she was even aware of my current work, let alone that she would consider me for the important role of documenting her wedding. (Photographing the wedding of a friend or acquaintance always serves as a great reminder what an intimate role the photographer plays in the wedding day, often witnessing up close & being in places and moments that close friends and even family members don't share, like the First Look).

When she told me her wedding date I was glad that I was available. When she told me her venue, I was positively giddy. Knowing the calendar, I knew there was a strong likelihood that two of Wilmore's most famous gingko trees would be in the height of their autumn glory. As you will see in some of the portraits below, the trees did not disappoint (and worked gorgeously with her colors)! When I asked Zach and Jessie how they chose their wedding date (thinking perhaps they knew about "the ginkos") Jessie laughed and said they chose their wedding date around the end of Zach's apartment lease!

It has been a pleasure, Jessie, to get reconnected with you through this experience and meet Zach, who seems a perfect match for you! Your wedding was a beautiful, God-honoring ceremony and it was a joy to spend the day with you, your family and friends. What a happy day that reminded me what a joy and privilege it is to do this!

P.S. Have you ever met a sweepstakes winner? If not, you're looking at one! I nearly forgot to share a neat side story that I hope Jessie doesn't mind me sharing. Earlier this fall as we were conversing about things like wedding timelines, she shared that she won the summer sweepstakes for David's Bridal! Mindful of and sensitive to the fact that so many in the world live in constant need, Jessie felt there were better uses for her resources (like giving them away to others) than to have an elaborate wedding, including settling for a less expensive dress. Because, in the end, contrary to what some would believe, to her it wasn't the most important thing. When Jessie learned that she had won the shopping spree prize, she was able to return her original dress, buy the dress her heart desired and purchase clothing for all the female members of her wedding party! Something about that story really touched me -- I believe that God saw her heart and chose to bless her for her selflessness, albeit not in the way that many might have anticipated!