Friday, July 22, 2005

I love this guy.

Dave Zabriskie of Team CSC interviews other (internationally renowned) cyclists, asking them completely crap questions.

DZ: Stuart O’Grady can I ask you a question?
S.O: Yes.
DZ: Have you ever done any Kangaroo Boxing?
S.O: Negative
(another rider tells him, "you know that is going on his website?")
S.O: In that case I have done a little pub boxing.
DZ: Thanks.

I rolled up to Alessandro Pettachi and this is what went down.

DZ: Could I ask you a question?
AP: Yes.
DZ: Do you like Star Wars?
AP: Star Wars?
DZ: The movies.
AP: Yes.
DZ: Thank you.

p.s. FYI - Ivan Basso is my new pretend boyfriend. That crazy little grimace/grin thing he does... nngh.